Senin, 17 Januari 2011

My Inspire

yeappp! gw ngefanssss banget sama yang namanya esti kinasih. dia bener-bener sosok penginspirasi buat gw agar gw segera merampungkan novel yang lagi giat-giatnya gw bikin. meskipun bukan cuma esti satusatunya faktor penunjang giatnya gw nulis akhir-akhir ini. tapi juga temen gw yang namanya nindya puteri arum temen sebangku gw, yang juga lagi berusaha buat menamatkan fiction storynya yang nggak jauh jauh dari vampir. gw sama nindy emang punya selera yang beda dalam hal menulis. gw suka banget cerita yang happy ending sementara dia?? engga banget! hahaha. tapi justru itu yang unik.

gw nggak tau kenapa semenjak gw baca karyanya si esti kinasih gw jadi tertarikkk malah makin tertarik sama cerita-cerita remaja. dan makin sering baca novel. kadang gw kasian sama temen gw si vira yang udah sabar minjemin gw buku. boleh dibilang gara-gara dia juga lohh gw ngga asing sama yang namanya esti kinasih. thankyou ya sist! gw udah sempet sih mencoba untuk menyalurkan inspirasi gw lewat tulisan. udah dari kapan ya??? kalau nggak salah sih 3 tahun yang lalu. waktu gw kelas 1 smp. tapi, sayangnya cerita gw kelar gitu aja, alias nggak jadi-jadi dan akhirnya gw males ngelanjutin. tapi, karena akhir-akhir ini gw kembali mengalami demam novel, alhasil kembali lagi deh semangat 45 yang berkobar-kobar dalam diri gw buat kembali melanjutkan cerita yang kemarin sempat tertunda. maklumlah anak sma yang masih labil. hwakakak.

makasih lagi buat vira yang udah sabar banget dengerin cerita gw yang rencananya mau gw jadiin dalam bentuk tulisan. sampe-sampe gw musti ngumpet-ngumpet dari pak irwan guru fisika gw , supaya cerita gw ke vira bisa tertuntaskan. hehehe piece pak.

kapan ya gw bisa menghasilkan sebuah tulisan yang kayak si esti???? yaaa mungkin bisa tapi suatu saat. alias nggak tau kapan. hehehe. yaaa itu lebih baik dari pada nggak sama sekali. eh buat para pembaca yang aku sayangi, hehehe aku punya biodata singkat dari sang inspirator, mbak esti kinasih.

let's check this out!!

Nama : Esti Kinasih,
Tempat,tanggal lahir : Jakarta, 9 September 1971
Zodiak : virgo
Anak ke : sulung dari tiga bersaudara
Hobi : filateli, kolektor t-shirt bergambar jeep, avonturir, hiking dan membaca sembari ngopi.
Novel terbitan Esti : Fairish, Dia Tanpa Aku, Jingga dan Senja, Cewek!!!, Still.

Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

There is only one happiness in life,
to love and be loved.

DARRENSHAN PART 1X- Vampire Mountain

Plot Outline:

Book 4 of The Saga Of Darren Shan. Six years have passed since Tunnels Of Blood. Darren has settled into life as a vampire's assistant, and feels at home in the Cirque Du Freak. But now he must leave the freak show and his friends behind, to travel to the distant Vampire Mountain with Mr Crepsley, where he must be presented for approval to the Vampire Princes and Generals.

Travelling with Darren and Mr Crepsley are two Little People, and they're later joined by an old friend and some four-legged predators. The trek to Vampire Mountain is long and dangerous, and blood will be spilt along the way. The vampires also make a worrying discovery -- they are not the only creatures of the night on the path to the mountain ...

Inside Vampire Mountain, Darren learns much of vampires, their history and ways. He's introduced to many fierce, battle-scarred Generals. Some accept him instantly -- but he must earn the friendship of others! When he's taken to meet the legendary Princes, he learns the true price of what it takes to become a vampire ...

Vampire Mountain is the start of a gruelling, 3-part Darren Shan adventure. The story continues in Book 5:Trials Of Death, and concludes in Book 6:The Vampire Prince.

Author Notes:


Book 4 was originally titled Halls of Vampire Mountain. Later I decided to shorten it for more effect. And Harkat in the first draft of this book (and 5 and 6) was originally called Harvey!!!!! My plan, back when I was planning this trilogy and looking ahead to the rest of the series, was for Harkat to have been EVRA in his previous life!!!! (Take away the H and Y from Harvey and reverse the letters -- ta-da!!!) At that stage I meant for Evra to travel to Vampire Mountain with Darren and Mr Crepsley, and to be with Darren and Harkat in every book right up until The Lake Of Souls, when he would have died (having realized at the very end that he was actually Harvey).

But when I sat down to write book 4, I realized there was no real reason for Evra to travel with Darren -- unlike Darren, Evra had grown up and had other, more normal things to occupy his thoughts (such as marriage!!). In terms of the storyline, it made no sense for him to leave his home and go off to a mountain full of vampires. He would have simply been there because I wanted him to be. And so, regretfully, I had to relegate him down the list of important cast members. And then I had to go looking for another candidate to fill the shoes of the to-be-renamed Little Person ... one who was friends with Darren ... who died during the series ... who had a genuine reason to come back to life as a Little Person and help Darren and the entire vampire clan ...

DARRENSHAN PART 111-Tunnels of Blood

Plot Outline:

Book 3 of The Saga Of Darren Shan. Shortly after an old friend's visit, Mr Crepsley leaves the Cirque Du Freak and heads for a city, taking Darren and Evra with him. The boys enjoy their stay in the city. Evra soaks up a lot of TV shows, while Darren catches the eye of pretty young Debbie Hemlock! But Mr Crepsley's behaving strangely, patrolling the streets every night, saying nothing of his purpose to Darren or Evra.

Then, in the run-up to Christmas, police discover several human bodies hidden in an old building -- each of which has been drained of blood! Darren and Evra are horrified, and immediately set about shadowing Mr Crepsley, on the understanding that if he's the killer, they're going to stop him -- by any means necessary!

In a blood-soaked abattoir, Darren confronts his mentor, and aims for his throat with a rusty butcher's knife. But this attack is just the start of the true nightmare, and soon Darren finds himself fighting not just for his own life, but for the lives of his friends, Debbie and Evra, both of whom are threatened by a force of sinister, murderous evil ...

Author Notes:

Murlough was based on Gollum!! Lord of the Rings was one of my faves as a teenager, and I wanted to evoke the spirit of Gollum in this book. I was VERY tempted to have Murlough say "My precious" at some stage, but eventually felt that would be a bit TOO obvious!!!!

Debbie -- hold onto your hats, folks!!! -- was based on Scary Spice!!!!!! The Spice Girls were huge back when I was writing the first draft of TOB, and while I wasn't that interested in their music, I did think the girls themselves were lots of fun!! I didn't deliberately base Debbie on Scary Spice, but when I sat down and thought about what I wanted her to be like, that's the image I got!!!!

Hypnotism ... As some of you occasionally note, in book 1 Darren hypnotises Annie -- but this power is never mentioned again!! No, it's not a mistake on my part! One of the rules of vampirism is that when people are first blooded, their bodies and brains go hyperactive, and sometimes they develop temporary hypnotic powers, which soon fade. I was going to explain this in book 2, but there just wasn't a proper time for it. So I decided to push it back to book 3 -- but, again, when I came to write it, the moment just never seemed right. In the end I let it pass -- it's not important to the plot of the series, and although Darren does know about it, there's no real need for him to share the info with his readers. (Just like there's no need for him to go into specifics about his second set of Trials in book 7.

DARRENSHAN PART 11-The Vampire’s Assistant

Plot Outline:

Book 2 of The Saga Of Darren Shan. Having abandoned his old way of life to unwillingly serve as Mr Crepsley's assistant, Darren must accustom himself to the habits of vampires. But the change is difficult and the loneliness is crushing.

In an attempt to give Darren a sense of stability, Mr Crepsley takes him to live at the Cirque Du Freak, where he is to share a tent with Evra Von -- the Snake Boy introduced in Book 1. Darren soon fits into his new position -- even if he doesn't exactly enjoy hunting food for the ominous Little People! -- and he and Evra befriend a curious young boy called Sam Grest, whose one great wish is to join the travelling freak show.

But all is not well with Darren. He refuses to drink human blood, even though he'll die without it. While Mr Crepsley argues with him, and tries forcing him to drink, Darren grows weaker and weaker. Will he resist the temptation of blood and sacrifice himself for the benefit of his humanity -- or will some awful turn of events lead to his becoming a true, blood-sucking creature of the night???

Author Notes:

Nate (a fan, making a comment): “I always thought the bit where Darren breaks the boy’s legs was good, but as if anyone would pinch someone there - whack with a hocky stick I can understand, but pinch? that's not very sportsman like!”

Rocco97 (another fan): “I forgot that this is the first book that Evanna is mentioned in, when Mr. Crepsley shows Darren the collapsible pots.” Nate: “Ah yes - I don't think darren had that part of the saga planned at the time - so maybe he looked back for a name?”

Firstly, the "pinching" scene was based on a real and famous photo of Vinnie Jones "getting to grips with" a young Paul Gascoigne in a match!!! If you search on Google, putting in both their names, you'll probably find the photo somewhere.

Secondly ... the collapsible pots and Evanna. As I've always said, I didn't know this was going to be such a long series when I started. Although I knew that book 1 would end open-endedly, leaving me with the possibility of writing another few books, I didn’t have any clear series plans in mind. So there WERE things in the early drafts of the first few books that clashed with later books. BUT what Nate fails to take into account is the way I write (not that I can blame him, since it's not a common way of writing from what I know!).

In short, I spread the entire writing process out over at least 2 years per book. I'll write a first draft in 3 or 4 weeks, but then re-write and edit it over the course of the next 2 years or more -- whilst working on other books!!! So, while the first draft of Cirque Du Freak was written about 2 and a half years before it was published, I was still working on it as late as mid-1999 (or thereabouts). Similarly, I was still editing and fiddling with Book 2 up to late 1999, if not early 2000!! By which time I'd written the first draft of book 8 and was starting in on book 9!!!!! So, by the time books 1 and 2 came out, I knew everything that was going to happen up to book 9, because I'd written it!!

Which means, if something looks like it's setting up a scene in a later book -- it usually is!!!! Because I'd written so far ahead of myself, I was able to put in "pointers" in the early books, setting up character traits, creating "in-jokes" which would only be noticeable to readers if they re-read the series in later years, after they'd read books 7, 8, 9, etc.

There was no mention of Evanna in the first few drafts of Book 2. But when I came to book 7, and "invented" her, I was able to go back and put in a mention of her in book 2, to tie the books closer together. There's a lot of that in the series, little linking incidents and apparently throwaway lines which have been overlooked by readers -- until NOW!!!!! And there are events in the final book which will also shed new light on certain pieces of the Saga if you read through it again later in the year!!!!!

Now ... as for book 2 ... I have to admit, if I had to nominate my least favourite book in the series, it would be this one. I don't think it's especially bad -- I'm very proud of the last few chapters -- and I know quite a few readers prefer it to book 1 (some even say it's their fave of all the books), but for me it wasn't as pacy as I wanted it to be. There's a lot of explanations ... new characters (Sam and R.V.) are introduced quite roughly ... and ... I dunno ... I just felt it was a book that had a tough job to do (to establish the laws of vampires and the series), and while it did that job reasonably well, I didn't feel as excited about it as I did about book 1. Certainly not as excited as I was about Book 3, which was and still is one of my personal faves of all my books!


hemmm, i love this so muchhh. awal mula gw tau cerita juga dari temen gw yang kebetulan juga mengoleksi beberapa kumpulan novel DARREN SHAN. gw kenal novel ini baru 2 tahun yang lalu tepatnya tahun 2010, saat itu umur gw 14 tahun-ngga penting juga gw rasa-hahaha. dan sekarang gw Tergila-gila dengan novel yang judulnya adalah nama dari penulisnya itu sendiri. awesome banget menurut gw. Bermula dari sini gw cinta segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan vampire. menurut gw tokoh yang satu ini memiliki karakteristik yang kuat, dan gw suka banget segala hal tentang nya. yeppy! gw berterima kasih sangattt sama temen ge yang bernama NINDYA PUTERI ARUM yang telah memperkenalkan DarrenShan yang sangat mengagumkan ini sama gw. thankyou sist!!!
sengaja gw search dengan kode "DarrenShan" dan gw terkejut tenyata ada blog office nya juga. dan gw makin terkejut pas gw liat ternyata beda banget ya covernya darren di luar sama di indonesia. bagusan yang mana? ya yang pasti bagusan cover luarnya lah. i should buy it and i really want it. REALLY! hahahaha. ngelatih bahasa inggris juga tuh. hahaha
gw punya resensi asli dari official DarrenShan nya.

let's check this out guys!!! enjoyed.

Plot Outline:

Darren Shan's an ordinary schoolboy, until he and his best friend Steve get tickets to the Cirque Du Freak, a bizarre freak show featuring such arcane performers as Hans Hands, Gertha Teeth, the Wolf Man and Rhamus Twobellies. In the midst of the ghoulish excitement, true terror raises its head when Steve recognises that one of the performers -- Mr Crepsley -- is in fact a vampire!

Steve remains after the show finishes, to confront the vampire -- but his motives are anything but ordinary! In the shadows of a crumbling theatre, a horrified Darren eavesdrops on his friend and the vampire, and is witness to a monstrous, disturbing plea.

Later, in a moment of insane daring, Darren sets out to steal the vampire's magnificent performing tarantula, an act which will have severe, tragic consequences for both Darren and Steve. Their lives will never be the same again ...

Author Notes:

I had the idea for “Cirque Du Freak” on May 8th, 1997. I was looking after one of my aunt’s children. She was shopping, the kid was asleep in the back seat of her car, and I was sitting up front with nothing to read, having forgotten to bring a book with me. Out of boredom I looked around the car and found one of the Goosebumps books. I’d never read Goosebumps, since they weren’t on sale when I was growing up. I flicked through the book, reading little bits here and there. My two observations were: (1) It wasn’t a very good book, very formulaic and easy to predict. (2) Regardless of that, I’d have probably liked the book when I was younger, since it was so full of cliffhangers and easy to read.

Then I started thinking that what the world really needed was a book that was as fun and easy to read as Goosebumps, but which had some of the darkness and depth of Stephen King. That led me to think about one of my favourite King books, Salem’s Lot, and how I used to try to scare myself when I was younger by imagining what would happen if a vampire attacked me and turned me into one of them. That set me thinking about writing a story about a boy who meets a vampire and reluctantly becomes his assistant – and a few days later I was writing the first book of The Saga of Darren Shan!!!

Minggu, 01 Juni 2008 Dia, Tanpa Aku

haiii para para pembaca,para blogger, ataupun mereka yang hanya sekedar lewat dan iseng-iseng membaca postingan gw kali ini. Dua hari yang lalu, salah satu temen gw menunjukkan salah satu novel yang dia punya ke gw. dan, biasa gw tanya seputar novel yang dia punya itu. dari gimana isinya? seru nggak? siapa aja tokohnya? sampai synopsis dari novelnya. dan gw putuskan untuk membacanya karena sepertinya gw emang tertarik untuk membacanya. hahaha. setelah bernegosiasi, karena ternyata bukan cuma gw doang yang mau minjem buku ini-ternyata laku juga ni buku. kalau gw jadi temen gw itu, udah gw jadiin peluang bisnis yang mungkin cukup menjanjikan. hahaha minimal lumayanlah buat ngirit jajan seminggu.
singkat cerita, setelah selesai gw baca ini novel. ternyata wahhhh banget. cerita nya sih emang nggak jauh-jauh dari seputar masalah likaliku hidup remaja-SMA-yang tragis,naas, dan miris.
dan udah bisa ketebak, model novel kayak gini mah udah pasti happy ending story. tapi, justru ini yang gw suka. bagi gw, cerita happy ending story itu adalah cerita yang sangat mengesankan. tapi hanya untuk sebagian orang. dan sebagian lagi-nggak sama sekali. alias pembenci cerita yang akhirnya pasti happy ending, gw search dan gw nemuin resensi dari buku yang gw baca kurang lebih dua harian ini. lama amat yak??. dari salah satu blog . tapi, emang gw akuin, setelah baca buku ini gw langsung sedih, dan blablabla. mikirin terus kenapa akhirnya begitu miris,sangat menyentuh, tapi membuat gw bahagia. yaaa berhubung gw males buat bikin resensi dari bukunya. mumpung ada yang instan kenapa enggak??? ye nggak?? hhahaha.

let's check this out guys!

Ronald, cowok kelas 2 SMA, sudah lama naksir Citra yang masih kelas 3 SMP. Tapi Ronald belum mau PDKT. Ia menunggu sampai Citra masuk SMA, karena itu ia hanya bisa mengamati Citra dari jauh.

Saat yang ditunggu Ronald selama berbulan-bulan akhirnya tiba. Citra masuk SMA! Namun Ronald kecewa karena ternyata Citra masuk SMA yang sama dengan adiknya, Reinald, dan sekelas pula. Namun, keinginan dan harapan terbesar Ronald untuk mendekati Citra tak pernah terwujud. Cowok itu kecelakaan dan tewas di tempat, tidak jauh dari rumah Citra.

Reinald menganggap Citra-lah penyebab kematian kakaknya. Rasa marah dan keinginannya untuk menyalahkan Citra membuat sikapnya terhadap cewek itu menjadi penuh permusuhan. Keduanya kemudian kerap bertengkar tanpa Citra tahu pasti alasan sebenarnya.

Sikap Reinald berubah drastis ketika Citra memutuskan untuk tidak lagi mengacuhkannya. Kini Reinald berada di posisi yang sama seperti Ronald dulu. Perubahan sikap Reinald itu tanpa sadar mendekatkan keduanya. Dan akhirnya Reinald tak lagi ingin menjaga Citra demi almarhum kakaknya.

"Gue suka cewek lo," ucap Reinald suatu hari di depan foto Ronald. Dan itu membuat sang kakak kemudian "kembali"!



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Januari 2008